About me

Made In France

All my leather goods are entirely designed and made in my workshop in Plaisance-du-Touch, in France. Each piece is the result of meticulous work, combining traditional know-how and sustainable materials. Using leathers from dormant stocks and fish skins from the agri-food industry, I create unique and ethical accessories that respect the environment. My workshop is a place where creativity and responsibility come together to give life to authentic, sustainable items.

Cette photo représente une ceinture fait main en cuir rouge avec une boucle métal
La photo représente une femme portant un sac banane en cuir or

High quality products

Each product I create is designed to last, thanks to a rigorous selection of quality materials. I use leathers from dormant stocks and buckles carefully chosen for their robustness and aesthetic appeal. This attention to detail ensures not only the durability but also the timeless elegance of each piece. My commitment to quality is reflected in every stitch, every finish, for leather goods that will stay with you for years to come.


The leather I use come from the dormant stocks of French or European tanneries. I also work with leather scraps from luxury manufacturers.

The fish skins used are produced by ICTYOS, a marine leather tannery that works with fish skins from the food industry.

Cette photo représente une Trousse-1 en cuir rouge velours liseré rouge verni(1)
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